Club Workshops

An example of the usual paraphenalia taken to club workshops plus soil and tools

In addition to practical evenings at club meetings where members will undertake a specific topic with their trees, open workshops are also arranged to allow more time for work on any number of trees and people can come and go to suit on a weekend day. Club workshops are held for members only. They are usually held monthly from April to September and follow club meetings approximately two weeks later. Workshops are hosted by a club member at their home so that venues can move around the county as much as possible. During British Summer Time the hours are 10.00-16.00. Attendees take their own tools, materials, trees and a potting tray plus a packed lunch but drinks are provided by the host.

Come rain or shine, some workshops are in gardens sometimes with cover available; some take place at our meeting venue. Or the club may visit a bonsai nursery for a group instruction. On occasions invited professionals will visit us and provide an instructed session, for example, when we make primitive pinched clay bonsai pots. Its a great way for members to get together, socialise, work on their trees in dedicated time and exchange knowledge and experience. Sharing an interest with other like-minded people can be very satisfying.

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